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Please Welcome: Picture Box

Picture Box
Yes, please welcome Picture Box our latest WordPress theme. Picture Box is specially designed for photographers to show off their best shots using WordPress.
Picture Box displays all your latest photos in a neat layout where the number of photos in one row will adjust according to your browser’s width or screen resolution, but we still have to set a minimum width for your browser window though. The layout consist of a left sidebar widget area powered by jQuery accordion where you can put any widgets you desire and they will be displayed in a very neat way.
There are several ways for you to display images on each single post, display the big image one by one or you can display it using WordPress default gallery feature (this feature’s rock btw).
If you choose to display the images using WordPress’ default gallery feature, you can choose to link the gallery images to it’s original image or link it to the attachment page. If you choose to link to the original image file, the original image will be displayed using lightbox and when you link it to the attachment page there will be a box displaying the EXIF data of the image. Isn’t it awesome?
Try the theme your self, head over the demo site to see Picture Box in action or read more details about Picture Box on our theme page.