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Sneak Peak: nowLedge WordPress Theme and New WarriorPanel

Its been a while since we released a new theme, but that don’t do anything to keep ThemeWarrior alive and kicking. In fact, we’ve been busy developing new themes and a new theme options framework that will make WarriorPanel more powerful that ever!

Let’s Start With nowLedge

First, let us introduce you to our upcoming theme called nowLedge, as you can tell from it’s name nowLedge is a knowledge base WordPress theme. nowLedge comes with several new features including build-in post rating and post counter system.

nowLedge - Knowledge Base WordPress Theme

nowLedge – Knowledge Base WordPress Theme

New WarriorPanel

We put a lot of effort to revamp our WarriorPanel, we change our WarriorPanel layout and rewrite most of the codes from scratch to make the new one easier to use and have better code structures. Some of the new features in the new WarriorPanel are:

  • New WarriorPanel layout, more organized and have easy to use layout
  • Better and improved coding structures, we rewrite most of the codes
  • Seperation between theme options files and framework files (we plan to build single-click framework update soon!)
  • Image upload now uses default WordPress upload function
  • Advanced SEO options in the framework
  • Themes menu, in this menu you can see list of our themes directly from WarriorPanel and many more!

Read enough? Now let us give you preview our new WarriorPanel. Right now the new WarriorPanel only available in nowLedge theme but we plan to update all of themes to use the new WarriorPanel.

nowLedge - WarriorPanel Menu

nowLedge – WarriorPanel Menu

nowLedge - WarriorPanel Appearance Options

nowLedge – WarriorPanel Appearance Options

nowLedge - WarriorPanel SEO SIngle Post / Page Options

nowLedge – WarriorPanel SEO SIngle Post / Page Options

nowLedge - WarriorPanel SEO Meta Box in Every Add / Edit Post or Page

nowLedge – WarriorPanel SEO Meta Box in Every Add / Edit Post or Page.

Andra Yogi

The brain behind ThemeWarrior, also a father to a beautiful baby girl named Amanda and a handsome boy named Raihan.


  • Richard

    Hi there – Your nowLedge theme looks great, thanks. Just a quick question please: is it possible to select different fonts from the backend/admin or would that require a change to the theme templates?


    • Yogi

      You can change the font from the backend easily, there are several web-safe fonts available. For advanced font modification you’ll need to edit it from the CSS file.

  • Alper A.


    Thanks for this theme. I am sorry but i couldnt find any link to download or to buy. Can you help me about it? thanks

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